As if an injury wasn’t enough to leave a scar, did you know that the repair tissues from an injury may grow into an even bigger scar! Forming smooth, hard growths which are called Keloids! At first, the idea of it did sound gross to me as well – but I am certain the key pointers that you will gather from this piece of information will go a long way in preventing keloids to form over your skin or even help reduce some of them if you already have a few. So sway through and let those keloids be afar!
It is no doubt – that wounds or outer injuries tend to make our minds worry about their residual effect of scars as well! But in some worst cases it is even possible that the original wound may get subsided and keloid takes place instead – which could be even larger than the original wound. While, keloids are most commonly found on the chest, shoulders, earlobes, or the cheeks – they might eventually develop or affect any part of the body. This makes it even more pivotal to bring out the critical aspects of avoiding these. Ranging anywhere between weeks or months to fully mature into their size, keloids can start showing early symptoms – some of these can be:
- Flesh colored, pink or red – localised area
- A raised up lumpy area on the skin
- Overgrowing scar tissue
- Itchy patch on the skin
From a bag of skin injuries that may result in causes of keloid development, here are a few most common among the keloid bearers:
- Scars occurring from acne
- Different kinds of skin burns
- Scars occurring from the chickenpox
- Induced injuries such as piercings
- Surgical incision sites on the body
- Poorly administered vaccination sites
It is a common mis-belief that keloid scars go away on their own. However, in fact it is the hypertrophic scars that resemble somewhat the keloid scars and capable of independently getting rid from the skin. Mostly confused with the keloid scars such hypertrophic scars are generally smaller in size and may tend to occur due to physical or chemical injuries such as piercings or harsh fragrances. These can be equally itchy and painful but eventually as the skin heals itself – these hypertrophic scars subside overtime. Which is completely the opposite in case of keloid scars – as they have a tendency of genetic transferring as well. It is believed that if either of your parent’s have them – chances are you might get affected too.
One may, although, definitely prevent them from occurring. Common measures include but aren’t limited to – preventing keloids from skin injuries can be done by using gel pads or pressure pads after the injury, if it may happen. Excess sun exposure or tanning may be the cause of skin discoloration which leads up to scarring of the tissue, being mindful of this can go a long way in the prevention of keloid scars. For those who suffer from keloid scars, can take to its treatment which spans across:
- Home treatment – though it is not strongly recommended but home treatment of keloid scars can help subside the growth if surgery isn’t your preferred choice. Using moisturized oils can bring significant relief to the impacted area.
- Surgery – Large keloids may be treated through surgery. Cryosurgery Has proven to be effective in this style of treatment, wherein the keloid is completely frozen with liquid nitrogen.
- Laser treatment – using the laser beam to resurface the keloid and surrounding skin in the effort to create smoother, more toned appearance – is what the therapy brings to the plate.
Lastly, keloids can be worrying site – best to remain en guard to avoid having them, should you already have one it is recommended to have it checked out!